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Founder's Message

Supporting manufacturing and treating water that is kind to the earth ...
In his poetry collection, the German poet Goethe said, "Water, air, light and the love of friends will not disappoint."
 I am deeply grateful that I was involved in the important "water" work that saves lives for the earth with this person, and that I was able to welcome the years since the company was founded as I grew up.
We will continue to value the joy of being involved in "water work" and make daily efforts to meet the challenges and demands that change with the times.
Bright, fun, and interesting ...
Work is fun for life, and if you enjoy it, it will be rosy.
"Rosy life" produces cheerful and lively behavior every day and becomes bright.
 Being “bright” for a person symbolizes happiness and is sometimes an attractive and index. "Bright, fun, and interesting" has been born as our company motto since the 20th anniversary of our founding in Heisei 2, and we aim to help each other with employees and share their excitement with users and cooperating companies. It is a word that was born.
Aiming to be a 100-year company ...
Thanks to you, Shinei Chemical Industry is now able to help you improve in order to solve the problems related to water at the manufacturing site.We have improved our technology by sympathizing with our customers' manufacturing attitudes and environmental awareness and responding to them.
There is endless water on earth.However, there is only a small amount of clean water or water that can be used.Given the mission of creating live water, we are determined to strive for 100 years.
 We look forward to your continued support in the future.
Shin-Ei Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
 Founder Atsushi Suzuki
"The earth was blue"... 
Never put it in the past tense
Earth ... We are born on this beautiful blue shining star.
It is thanks to the water that it shines blue.
We human beings must cherish the limited resource "water", use it more efficiently, coexist with everything, and continue to progress and develop.
"The earth was blue" ... Never make it the past tense.We have transformed our business and now our main business is water treatment.
 We are grateful to be involved in our business, improve our technical capabilities, enhance our humanity, clean the world's water, and contribute to the progress and development of human society.
  Shin-Ei Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
 CEO Katsuo Suzuki

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Shin-Ei Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
2-12-10 Central, Misato City, Saitama Prefecture
 FAX: 048-953-1688

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